Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Style Tip of the Day

Hey gang!! Guess what? It's a full moon tonight, and it's also the 13th. I'm not superstitious at all, but I did notice that when I taught 4th grade, my students acted a little more weird when there was a full moon on the 13th--especially if it was Friday also.

So, I have a quick style tip that may help you when you're feeling sick or blah one day, but you don't want to look it:

Put on an all white blouse or collared shirt!

White Tops

I always feel so fresh when I wear white, so when I don't know what to wear, or if I want to put a boost in my mood, I wear a white top. Plus, white goes with everything. Now, my mom always says that if you feel sick you should wear a splash of pink, whether it be a top, a scarf, or a headband. Buuuuuut I don't like pink, especially the Pepto-Bismol color pink, eew, so I altered my mom's tip a little to make it work for me:)

A Bientot!

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