Thursday, November 3, 2011

Tip in A Snap

Hey Gang!

I saw this--got excited--and knew I had to share.

Have you ever used clips to hold your hair down, and then when you take them out you get that terrible indention from the clip? It just completely wrecks the style!

I wear my hair mostly in its natural state and usually covered, so I don't have to worry about this, but when I had relaxed hair/straightened hair I hated when this happened!

No need to worry though if you've had this problem! I saw this pic on Beyonce's website, and I thought "Now THAT is a good idea"! 

This is a card trick, but maybe not the one you were thinking:)

Now, I just added this pic because the make-up is just S.I.C.K. and you can see the card pinned to her hair in the upper right corner.


So, when you're trying to have a smooth style and you don't want to get those annoying indentions in your hair, put a playing card between the clip and your hair! Best card trick I know:)

À Bientôt!

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