Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Clutter FREE Me Day 3: Your Dresser

We're going to clear off those dressers today! 
Remember: Many of the organization tips I'm providing can be done in 15 minutes, and if not then in 15 minute intervals every day. If you think of organization this way, it won't seem so daunting and time consuming. And you actually get it done, instead of putting it off for so long that you realize that it's still not done a year later!
So, first: Clear all of the items off your dresser in the 6 piles that I told you about yesterday.
  • Goes somewhere else 
  • Stays here
  • To file (especially important if you're dealing with a lot of paper)
  • Trash
  • Giveaway
Once you get an inventory of all things you want to stay on your dresser, you can decide how you want to group/organize them.

Before you put items back on your dresser clean it off. I try not to use cleaning products with harsh chemicals anymore, so I like to make my own. Using any oil like grapeseed oil, or olive oil will give your wooden dresser a great shine. Check out some DIY wood cleaning recipes I found hereDon't have a wooden dresser? Use a mix of water and white vinegar of equal parts. For instance if you add 2 ounces of water add 2 ounces of white vinegar--White vinegar is a natural disinfectant.

Tips to organize your space:

If you do not have the luxury of having your own vanity or vanity room (sigh... one day), then you have to maximize the space you have. In this case it will be your dresser top (your bathroom will work also if you have space). 

To organize items like your make-up brushes, you can use glass cups or vases.  Add some glass stones to it and Viola! It's an elegant inexpensive way to organize any group of things.

You can also use small candle votive holders to place any miscellaneous items like bobby pins, safety pins, etc. It's doesn't look like junk if it's all grouped together. It's all about presentation:)

If you do your make-up in your bedroom (I have much better lighting in my bedroom than in the bathroom, especially when the windows are open), then you can organize your make-up palettes in envelope holders, like this one:

They even have these at the dollar store

If you have smaller make-up items like individual eye shadows and blushes, you can use this idea I saw here. I loved it so much that it's on my Project To Do list :) Hopefully I'll have a DIY tutorial on here in the near future.

For perfumes, put them on a glass plate, tray, or a mirror.

Keep in mind that less is more. You don't want to have so many groups of items on your dresser even if they are organized. The top of the dresser will loose functionality if its too crowded. You can't take a shirt out and lay it on top while you're getting something else if you have a bunch of stuff on the dresser.

I hope you can take at least one tip from today to reform your dresser top :)

What kind of stuff is crowding your dresser?
What do you or can you do to fix it?

Happy Organizing and A Bientot!

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