Friday, January 13, 2012

Clutter FREE Me Day 5: Closet Buster Part 2

Congratulations! You have almost finished your first week of gettin your sh*t together! Lol. Or for PC conscious viewers: gettin your clutter together. If you have been following all week, you should have a beautiful, clean bedroom that you love so much that you never want to leave. That's how I feel when I have a perfectly organized space. It feels so refreshing :)

Yesterday, we did Part 1 of Closet Buster because for some, the closet needs to be broken up into two days. Today we will focus on making space for you accessories and making them easily accessible to you. No more diggin through that bag of necklaces which are as tangled as a grapevine. No more searching for one shoe that you remember leaving in the closet, but you find it 30 minutes later under your bed (Although you should have found it 2 days ago when we organized under the bed, right)?

We're gonna get those closets in tip top shape, so that you will always be able to find whatever you're looking for. When this happens, you will have so much extra time that can be spent with people you love, and doing things that you love.

Step 1: Take all of your accessories out of the closet, or bags, or wherever you have them!

As you sort through your accessories separate them into the 4 piles (the 3 piles from yesterday, plus one)
  • Keep
  • Giveaway
  • Storage
  • Trash
Keep the jewelry/purses/shoes, etc. you want. Giveaway the accessories you've outgrown. Store accessories that may be for special occasions, but you may not always need at hand. And trash items that need to be in the trash.

You know we all have pieces of jewelry that we have kept for years because we got it when we were little, even though the chain may be broken and unrepairable, or kept shoes because it was the first pair our hubby bought us, but we can't keep everything. I used to be so guilty of this, but I am learning to let go of some memories, or at least find another way to remember it that doesn't take up taking a picture of it:) Then it just takes up digital space.

Tips for Organizing your Accessories
Racks, on Racks, on Racks

For your shoes, I strongly recommend getting a rack. Having your shoes flat on the floor is a dangerous combination with our clutter temptation. (working on my lyricist skills ;) They just get too messy. Me no likey. You can get a metal rack for like $20 bucks, Althoug I got mine for about $10 about five years ago. I'm sure they have them in dept. stores, I just haven't see them recently.

You can also invest in those clear shoe boxes if you have space for them. Some people take pictures of their shoes with a regular camera or a polaroid (which by they way are updated and about 100 bucks). Once they have the picture they put it on the appropriate clear shoe box. A lot of work on the front end, but the display is pleasing to the eyes.

By the way, here's the before my closet buster clean up

No gold-diggin for me! I'll take diamonds! We may be off the gold standard someday! -Mae West

Why do women love jewelry so much?! I think of jewelry as pieces of art that accessorize our natural beauty. This is why I decided to literally use my jewelry as art...on the walls.

Before I created this, I had my necklaces and bracelets in a bag because there was no space for them in my jewelry box. Now that I have this jewelry display, I wear my jewelry so much more often because I can see it. After I dress, I get giddy selecting jewelry from this homemade jewelry wall art.

I used an old cork board. I mean super old, it was my sister's when she was in school in '97! The wood frame was disconnecting from the cork and it's beat up. So I covered it with some fabric I had from college, nailed it up, and BAM! A way to display and organize my jewelry for zero cost to me.

Add some push pins in what ever design matches your jewelry. Although I prefer thin nails. But I didn't have any at the time, so I just used push pins. I did, however, have 3 or 4 thin nails to nail the cork board into the wall.

Scarves, Belts, and Ties, OH MY!

To organize you scarves and ties you can use a hanger rack (is that what you call them) that are usually used in the bathroom for towels and such.

Sorry, I didn't wanna take all my scarves off. I have a lot!

Hung on the closet door

For your belts and ties you can use a hanger like this:

Make sure you hook the belts like you would when you wear them, so they don't fall off.

Bags can hang on hooks like these:

But if you have a lot of bags, or limited space, then this won't work. I have a shelf installed in my closet that I use to line my bags up. You're other option is to put them in storage until you need them.

If you have any ideas on how to organize your bags, comment below

I have thoroughly enjoyed this first week writing about these organization tips, and I hope you have equally loved getting them:)

I have decided to not do the bathroom for next week. Instead I'm moving up the organization tips for your office/workspace! This means that the organization series will be cut down to three weeks instead of four. If you desperately need the tips to organize you bathroom, let me know in the comments below and I'll see what I can do;)

Stay tuned starting next Monday for the BEST tips to de-clutter your workspace, which means more time and possibly more money;)

A Bientot...

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