Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Clutter FREE Me Day 2: Monsters Under the Bed


First, I must apologize for this late post! You need time each day to organize your space. The whole point of this organization series is to make time for things that are important. Poor time management on my part. Sowwie! I'm learnin and workin on myself right along with you, reaching our zenith, remember? So that's the good thing!

Now, for the business....

Are you waking up many times during the night?
 Do you have restless sleep often?

Well, it could be because you need to clear those little monsters from under your bed. And by monsters I mean clutter!

Those who practice Feng Shui believe that clutter under the bed strongly affects your peace of mind, especially when you sleep. Clutter blocks what is called chi-- a vital force or energy that is generated in the body and can be sent out into your environment. Now, think of your body. If you're eating a lot of fatty foods then your body and veins will become clogged. This is much like your home. The veins are each room. If your room or space is cluttered then the energy cannot flow, it's clogged :(

So, in order to keep the chi or positive energy flowing then we must clear the mess from under our beds.

1.Take everything from under your bed. Tennis rackets, jeans, one supposedly long lost shoe whose match is in your closet. Yes, take it all out.

2. Because there is probably stuff that needs to be thrown out or put somewhere else, you need to sort them into piles.
When I clean I sort into these piles:

  • Another room (different pile for what part of the house it should go in
  • Stays here
  • To file (especially important if you're dealing with a lot of paper)
  • Trash
  • Giveaway
3. After you've done this, take the items that belong somewhere else to that somewhere else. (You can choose to organize these items right then or later). Doing this will allow for more space to work with as you clean under your bed. 

4. Put items in the right place in your bedroom, If they don't have a place, make a place for them.

5. File those papers. If you don't have a system for filing, stay locked in. I will be giving tips for that in Week 3: Office/Workspace

6. Trash those things you no longer need and pack the bag for the items you want to giveaway. 

 Please keep in mind:

*How long this process takes depends on how much stuff you have to organize.

*Also, if you have drawers built into your bed, like me, or storage containers, the things within them still need to be organized.

And there you go, you're one step closer to freeing yourself from your clutter in your bedroom and possibly
getting some real, uninterrupted sleep!

Bonus Stress Free Tip: If you do have restless sleep and are worrying about all the things you need to do the next day, keep a notepad next to your bed to write a to do list that will be right there for you in the morning. I also use my bedside notepad to write down project ideas, thoughts, quotes I hear, books I want to read, and any other random thought that I may forget the next minute if I don't write it down.

What ways do you tame your under-the-bed-monsters clutter? Did I miss anything? Let me know in the comments!

A Bientot....

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