Monday, January 9, 2012

Clutter FREE Me Day 1: Get Outta Bed...


...And make it! Starting your day with this simple tip will change your outlook, I promise. It's time to finally listen to Mama when she used to say, "Go make up your bed! Your room is not clean until your bed is made." At least that's what my mom used to say...and still does. It's true though, not to mention how refreshed you will feel when you get home from work or school to a made up bed perfectly ready for another night of sweet sleep. Do you love sleep as much as I do? :)

Here's the key:
As soon as your wake up and are ready to get out of bed, make it up right at that moment!
1. Lay down, grab the sheets and comforter, and  pull them up to your head
2. Next, make up the side farthest from you
3. Get out of bed and make up the side of which you got out
4. Arrange the main pillows
4. And toss those throw pillows on. I mean they are called "throw" pillows, it seems appropriate. Plus tossing your throw pillows on the bed can be your first act of creativity for the day. Think of it as art:)

*Remember, it doesn't have to be perfect. When I don't have time, I don't even tuck the sheets under the mattress :O Just make sure the sheets don't make any ripples (you can see) under the comforter.

Even if your room has bras hanging out of the drawers, and a month's worth newspapers scatterered on the floor, your room will be instantly transformed as soon as your bed is made.

So, make up your bed tomorrow morning, you will not be disappointed:)

What is the hardest thing about making up the bed for you??

Tomorrow: No More Monsters Living Under the Bed! (in the tune of No More Monkeys Jumping on the      

A Bientot!

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