Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Remember This: Weight Loss Goals in the New Year


It's that time! My favorite time of year! There is something so refereshing about starting a new year. A time to reflect on your accolodes and mistakes. A time to set new goals for yourself. A time to make you a better you. That's right, if you're blessed, you get another chance to fix all the things you didn't get a chance to fix in the last year.

This is how I view the new year, and this is why I love it so much. :)  Some people make plans to have better finances, or marriages, or organization (which by the way, I have some great organization things planned for the new year ;). And many of us men and women alike plan to be in better shape.This is when you see five weight loss ads in the span of a three minute commercial break. You know you saw that revamped Jennfer Hudson commercial for weight watchers where she is singing with her old, heavier self. The first time I saw that I thought it was weird, but interesting. But I digress...If you have fresh fitness goals for the new year, and either trying to lose a few pounds, eat healthier, or get more toned, it is important to remember that there are many other benefits of practicing a healthy lifestyle besides losing weight.

This article I read on (my now favorite exercise regimen I've ever done and plan to stick with) gives you the real tips on How to Get Immediate Effects From Your Workout.

Check it out, and I'm sure it will give you a new perspective on your fitness goals for the new year.

A Bientรดt!

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